Waterways. - MyCommunity

Cnr Governor Rd and Springvale Rd, WATERWAYS VIC, 3195

What's On

  • Community Notice


    Posted on: 05-07-2024


  • Community Notice

    Waterways Art Trial

    Posted on: 19-01-2024

    Dear owners,

    Please find attached the Waterways Art Trail newsletter for your information.

    Kind Regards,
    Kristen Riddell
    Branch Manager

  • Community Notice


    Posted on: 14-12-2023

    Dear Owners,

    Please find attached a letter to all owners regarding Change of Manager at Ace Consulting.

    Kind Regards,
    Kristen Riddell
    Branch Manager

  • Community Notice

    Committee Update - Entrance Waterfalls Update

    Posted on: 24-11-2023

    Hi Folks,

    An update on our much loved and missed entrance waterfalls for Waterways.

    Quick recap - City of Kingston turned off the waterfalls some time ago as the waterfall pumps were at the end of their serviceable life, and to make matter worse tree roots have grown into the pipes that took water from the main lake. Repair these pipes would have been impractical due to the cost and need to dig up so much of the estate to find the leaks. City of Kingston wanted to decommission the waterfalls and replace with landscaping.

    Great news - the Waterways Owners Corporation Committee (WOCC) has reached an in principle agreement with City of Kingston to make the entrance waterfalls operational again. We will be upgrading the pumping equipment and connecting them to the mains water supply (for top up due to evaporation loss). What is even better is that City of Kingston will contribute $10k to the cost of this work, with the balance (tbc but less than $20k) from the WOCC. This will be funded from cash on hand with no increase to our annual levy.

    As you may know, the WOCC is governed by the Owners Corporation Act and we needed to confirm with the lawyers that we could actually do this. The further great news is that we indeed can, and in fact may replace or repair any existing amenities in the estate without the need for a special resolution - thanks to the legal precedent sent by the “Flew versus Lum” case some years ago.

    Whilst we work through the next steps with the City of Kingston we have made allowance in our FY24 budget for this work and ongoing maintenance.

    Our entrance waterfalls will flow again in 2024!!!!

    Just a reminder that we have vacancies on the WOCC if you would like to join us and help make our amazing suburb even better.
    Our email is info@waterways.com.au

    AGM Reminder
    This years AGM is at 6:30pm on Tuesday 28th November 2023

    On the 10th November Lot Owner’s would have received an email from “Ace Body Corporate Consulting” titled “Annual General Meeting Notice - WATERWAYS Plan No. PS435322B - No1”. This email included a PDF explaining how to dial in to the meeting and your unique voting link - this link is not transferrable and cannot be shared with any other lot owners as it is your lot’s unique voting link.

    If you can’t see the email in your inbox please check your spam folder and deleted items.

    Note: Lot owner’s without an email address on file would have received a snail mail letter.

    If you have any queries please email info@waterways.com.au

  • Community Notice

    Committee Update - Security

    Posted on: 11-06-2023

    Hi Folks,
    You may recall that WOCC engaged a private security firm, Once Blue, on a trial basis to provide night time security patrols over the Easter holiday period. In light of the disturbing criminal activity we’ve seen in the estate recently we wanted to share an update and some more positive steps WOCC is taking to protect all of our security.
    Once Blue performed 11 x 4 hour mobile patrols between 7th April and the 26th April. On 3 of those occassions they encountered suspicious activity between 2am and 4am, including a suspicious bmw with 2 men doing laps of the estate, a group of 10-12 teenagers gathering by 4 cars in the Nest car park, and other groups wandering the neighborhood. The groups were spoken to and had no reason to be in the estate and left when requested.
    The community feedback we’ve received has been very positive, with many people appreciating the peace of mind these patrols have given.
    Whilst these patrols won’t stop all crime, they will make Waterways a harder target, and hopefully encourage some of the bad guys to go elsewhere.
    As a result we are pleased to announce that we will be recommencing these security patrols next week and running an extended trial until the end of September. There will be no additional cost to lot owners as this is be funded by the WOCC’s operating budget.
    We will be surveying residents and monitoring the outcomes of these patrols. If community support remains high and we continue to see the benefit of the patrols, we will look to introduce a motion at the AGM in September to continue these patrols for the following year.
    Kind regards,
    Alex Martin

  • Community Notice

    Committee update - Security

    Posted on: 06-04-2023

    Hi folks,

    The Waterways Owners Corporation Committee (WOCC) is delighted to be able to give the community an update on two important security initiatives.

    Firstly, the long awaited joint venture between the WOCC and the City of Kingston (CoK) for the installation of solar powered security cameras at all the major points of ingress into the estate. You may recall that this project was approved to commence at the AGM before last, however the project has been slowly progressing.
    • Contracts have been drafted and had legal review
    • CoK have engaged a security design consultant to finalise the detailed plan - to be completed by end of April
    • CoK have completed site inspections and footing design for the security poles is underway
    • CoK and WOCC have agreed preferred locations to maximise the security benefit but also protect residents privacy
    • Cok have confirmed a project delivery plan, with all cameras expected to be installed before the end of the year.

    These CCTV cameras will make Waterways a less attractive target for criminals, help the Police gain convictions of offenders, and give us all some much needed peace of mind. We should also see our insurance premiums start to reduce as a result.

    However, the speed of this project has been slower than we would like and the recent spike in criminal activity in the estate has been of great concern to all of us. To bridge the timing gap between now and the CCTV project completing the WOCC has decided to take some additional immediate action.

    I am pleased to announce that from tonight, Thursday 6th April, a private security patrol company. Once Blue, will begin random security patrols of our estate. The patrols will help to detect and deter criminal behaviour, and they will liase with Police should suspicious activity be detected. We will work with the CoK to install security signage at the main car entry points to the estate in due course.I am also pleased to report that this service will not be at any additional cost to the owners of Waterways, and is being funded from our current operating budget.

    We wish all the residents of Waterways a safe and happy Easter break.

    Alex Martin
    Waterways Owner’s Corporation Committee

  • Community Notice

    Waterways AGM Rescheduled to 8 November 2022 at 7:30PM

    Posted on: 21-10-2022

    Dear owners,

    Unfortunately due to a problem with the Strata Vote platform on Tuesday, the AGM scheduled for 18/10/2022 did not take place.

    The meeting has been rescheduled to take place on Tuesday, 8th November 2022 at 7:30PM.

    The new meeting notice and agenda have been issued from our system this morning. Please note you will need your unique QR code/attendance link in the new correspondence to attend the online meeting.

    Please find attached a copy of the correspondence, AGM Notice & Agenda, as well as the original attachments, all joined into 1 document. (this will not contain your unique QR code/Link).

    Please note to save on paper and postage, the attachments were not posted out again with the new notice.

    They are available for download via the QR Code page & also from this MyCommunity post & the Documents section.

    If you have any issues or queries, please contact our office on 8586 1300 or via email at info@waterways.com.au.

    Kind Regards,

    Ace Consulting

  • Community Notice

    Invitation to Join the Waterways Owners Corporation Committee - A Message from the OC Chairperson

    Posted on: 12-10-2022

    Folks, it is just one week until the Annual General Meeting for the Waterways Owner’s Corporation Committee, on Tuesday 18th October at 7pm

    We need your help!

    We currently have 4 energetic and positive people on the committee (Janine, Emilia, Simon and myself) working hard to make Waterways even better.

    However, we have 3 vacancies on the committee - this is where you come in.

    If you love Waterways, have some positive ideas and want to give back to our community then please consider joining us.

    We’re not the committee of old, we are all motivated to make some tangible difference and see some great amenity projects deliver real benefits.

    Our first project, the installation of Security Cameras as a joint venture with City Of Kingston is underway, with locations selected and contracts agreed.

    This project will make Waterways safer, less attractive to criminals, and give us all some peace of mind.

    We have other project that we want to kick off, including ideas such as:

    • Off-lead dog park on Melbourne Water land near the new freeway

    • Half court basketball court

    • Drinking fountains for humans and dogs around the main lake

    • And more….

    As joint venture projects with City of Kingston and Melbourne Water, and with community support, we can get things done.

    How much time do you need to commit? We have a 2 hour meeting every 6 weeks via zoom, and do most other things via email, with the odd coffee catchup at the Nest.

    If you want to take the lead on some of these projects then that would also be awesome - but what we most need is your positivity and ideas.

    Sound good? Then please email us at info@waterways.com.au and apply - we will accept applications right up to the AGM.

  • Community Notice

    Committee Update

    Posted on: 23-08-2022

    The advertised Committee meeting for 19th July was held 26th July. The committee meeting minutes are attached and have been saved in the "Documents folder" under "Meetings" tab. The next meeting of the committee is scheduled for 23 August 2022.

    With the new amendment to the Owners Corporation Act commencing 1/12/21, the committee sought legal advice as to how the statutory changes impacted Waterways ability to enforce the Rules & Design Guidelines.

    The Committee is also liaising with Council and Cortese Architects to streamline approval processes. Council confirmed the design guidelines are still active and current for all lots at Waterways.

    If you wish to contact the committee, apply for a change of paint colour or landscape, please email info@waterways.com.au

  • Community Notice

    Committee update

    Posted on: 21-04-2022

    Committee meeting minutes held 22 Feb 2022 & 5 April 2022 are attached and have been saved in the "Documents folder" under "Meetings" tab. The next meeting of the committee is 24 May 2022.

    If you wish to contact the committee, apply for a change of paint colour or landscape, please email info@waterways.com.au

  • Community Notice


    Posted on: 16-10-2021

    In case you missed the newsletter in your mailbox, attached is the English, Vietnamese and Mandarin versions of the most recent edition.

    A big thank you to our volunteers for translating the latest edition of the Waterways Newsletter - Tuan Do for ( Vietnamese) and Rachel Peng (Mandarin), Kirk Devers for hand delivering the newsletter and Liam Hanigan from Easternpress for managing the process and producing a quality result.

    You can also find a copy under the Documents Tab.


  • Community Notice

    Pedestrian Traffic Jams around Waterways

    Posted on: 31-08-2021

    Dear owners and residents,

    We hope you have all been enjoying the sunshine.

    It is great to see so many residents out and about on the walking paths at Waterways.

    We would like to request that if you are catching up with someone, or when residents are meeting up with neighbours to have a chat, that you please step off the path.

    This is to ensure the footpath is not blocked, and that other users like joggers, cyclists, parents with prams & pups are not having to step off the path.

    Thank you.

    Kind regards,

    Ace Consulting

  • Community Notice

    Snake warning - Westbridge Court

    Posted on: 31-10-2020

    Just a reminder it is snake season from now until March. We have had the first reported sighting of a light brown snake about 0.6m (2 feet) long in the front garden in Westridge Court.
    If you are bitten by a snake call 000 for an ambulance immediately and try to stay calm. They will want to know who you are, where you are, nearest cross street and the colour of the snake.
    Keep dogs on lead and be vigilant.

  • Community Notice

    Committee Update

    Posted on: 18-07-2020

    City of Kingston have notified that the entrance water feature works will be completed by the end of next week.

    They also advise that they will be doing some maintenance to the mains water lines in the weeks immediately after for a period of 1-2 weeks so the water features themselves will not be running until this maintenance is completed.

  • Community Notice

    Ballot Outcome

    Posted on: 18-06-2020

    Thank you to everyone who participated in the forum and returned the ballot.

    The total number of ballot papers returned was 263.
    Please see the attached letter for the outcome of each the ballots.

  • Community Notice

    Community Forum now closed

    Posted on: 05-06-2020

    As the ballot is now closed the Community Forum will also be closed .

    You will continue to receive bulletins and updates that are posted from the Committee and you will continue to have access to the other areas of MyCommunity.

    Have a good weekend everyone.

  • Community Notice

    Ballot now closed

    Posted on: 05-06-2020

    Hi All,

    Thank you for your participation in the Ballot. As mentioned previously a grace period of 4 business days will be applied for any mail caught in the delivery system.

    The outcome will be published shortly after all votes have been tallied.

  • Community Notice

    Waterways Postal Ballot closing soon

    Posted on: 31-05-2020

    There is only one week remaining before the postal ballot period closes and there is still a large percentage of owners that we are yet to hear from.

    Your Committee has no vested interest in the outcome of the ballot. The purpose of the ballot is to determine the “voice of the people” and as such, matters of financial status and ballot signatories will not invalidate any lot owners ability to have their voice counted.

    Whilst the ballot closes on the 5th of June, the Committee recognises the strain on Australia Post delivery times and will apply a grace period of 4 business days for any mail caught in the delivery system.

    Once the ballot has closed, all votes will be tallied and the outcome will be published shortly thereafter.

  • Community Notice

    Lake Fountian run times - update

    Posted on: 28-05-2020

    Hi all,

    The Lake Fountains running schedule has been revised and the new schedule has been published under DOCUMENTS/GENERAL tab as well as attached.

  • Community Notice

    Community Forum update

    Posted on: 21-05-2020

    The forum will be open for a further 14 days. Whilst the majority of participation has been positive, there has been a minority of communication that has required moderator intervention. We kindly ask that all participants continue to abide by the following guidelines;

    1. Make no more than one concise post per day and only if you have new/additional information to share or questions to ask.
    2. Refrain from repeating the same information from the same perspective as already posted so as not to dominate the communication over that of other owners.
    3. Do not single out any individual properties as examples of non-compliance.
    4. Be respectful in all posts.

    Thank You

  • Community Notice

    Community Forum Open

    Posted on: 13-05-2020

    Access rights to authorised users to the forum have been restored.

    Please remember any disrespectful conduct will not be tolerated, especially attacks on individuals. Any disrespectful behaviour will result in removal of your portal access.

    Thank You

  • Community Notice

    Community Forum Rules of use

    Posted on: 10-05-2020

    Just a reminder that any disrespectful conduct will not be tolerated, especially attacks on individuals.

    Access rights to all users to the forum has been temporarily suspended to allow the removal of offending posts and the access rights of the individual.

    The forum will reopen in 48 hours.

  • Community Notice

    Reminder the AGM has been cancelled

    Posted on: 22-03-2020

    As the situation in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, your Committee has considered the position regarding the forthcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM) scheduled for 25 March.

    Taking into account advice received from the Strata Community Association and the responsibility we all have to our community to try and limit any unnecessary exposure to the virus, especially in respect of the vulnerable members of our community who could be seriously impacted by it, the Committee has decided to postpone the 2020 AGM for the time being.

    The Committee will be back in touch as soon as possible in relation to a new date for the AGM and, in the meantime, intends to investigate whether the AGM could be held by other means if required.

    The Committee recognises that the community would like to discuss and consider the special business items that were included on the AGM agenda in relation to the proposed CCTV trial, commencement of VCAT proceedings to wind up the Owners Corporation and the funding of the 2020 Waterways community festival.

    The Committee has decided to move directly to a postal ballot in respect of the 3 special business items referred to above and will temporarily open the MyCommunity portal to allow community discussion on each of the issues while the postal ballot is open. Further details regarding the postal ballot will be communicated shortly.

    Julie McLean
    Secretary & Waterways Owners Corporation Manager

  • Community Notice

    Committee Update

    Posted on: 29-01-2020

    Committee meeting minutes for a special committee meeting held 15th January 2020 are attached and have been saved in the document folder under Meetings.
    Next committee meeting is 5th February 2020.

  • Community Notice

    Committee Update

    Posted on: 29-01-2020

    Following the Waterways Festival community event held in December, the Committee received correspondence from 2 owners regarding the ability of the Committee to spend Owners Corporation funds on community events without a special resolution. After some deliberation, the Committee has decided that this year’s Annual General Meeting to held on the 25th March will include a motion to hold a postal ballot seeking a special resolution to approve funding for a community event in 2020.

    Attached please find correspondence to and from the committee and legal advice obtained by the parties.

  • Community Notice

    Waterways Newsletter Summer edition

    Posted on: 04-12-2019

    Attached is the Summer edition of the Waterways Newsletter.

    Next edition will be after the AGM (25th March 2020).

  • Community Notice

    2019 Waterways Festival Sponsorship Opportunities

    Posted on: 14-11-2019

    It is not too late to get involved.
    Why become a sponsor of the Waterways Festival?
    • Connect and give back to your Community
    • Enhance awareness of your product/service
    • Stand out from your competitors
    • Raise your company profile
    • Communicate your core brand values
    • Increase your customer loyalty
    Don't miss an opportunity to put yourself in front of decision makers.
    Packages are available on a first-come, first-served basis.


  • Community Notice

    Committee Meeting Minutes

    Posted on: 05-09-2019

    Committee meeting minutes for July have been saved in the document folder under Meetings.
    Next committee meeting is 25 September.

  • Community Notice

    Committee update - Lake Fountains

    Posted on: 23-08-2019

    The existing fountains were installed by a company that is no longer in existence. They have been in operation since the beginning of the Waterways development and have required frequent costly maintenance during this time.

    The pumps now require major maintenance and parts replacement to restore them to working condition.

    The company that has provided this maintenance has submitted a quote for repairs that has raised concerns within committee about the cost.

    This contractor has intimate knowledge about the workings and structure of our system and to seek another quote to repair the fountains from another business that practices in this limited field would incur substantial costs for the OC before a pen was even put to paper.

    Our fountains have probably suffered from this high maintenance due to their operational profile to keep power costs acceptable.

    Your committee has decided to explore the economics of replacing the fountains before proceeding with the existing repair quote or authorising another quote at our expense.
    There has been engagement with two other businesses who are importers of fountains from the USA and have an extensive range of products in this field. Their products have long warranties, lower operating costs and are easier to maintain. Initial indications are encouraging, whilst we await more detailed proposals on like replacements or alternative fountains.

    There are very few companies working in this field in Australia and your committee is using all due diligence to get the best economic outcome for owners. Unfortunately, this painstaking work takes time.

    We will update you further when we have further information.

  • Community Notice

    Waterways Festival - Call for volunteers

    Posted on: 21-08-2019

    Waterways Festival sub-committee would like to extend a further invitation to join this dynamic group of residents who are working together to bring you a great community event.
    Sub-Committee Chair - Chris Dickinson
    Committee members: Avanti Gosavi, Monika, Marita Anderson (assisted by Fred Alale).
    We are looking for a few more enthusiastic, community minded residents.

    • Are you a team person and want to meet some of your neighbours?
    • Do you enjoy organizing fun activities, seeking/chasing sponsorship or coordinating events/people?
    • Want to get your feet wet on the day, man a stall, meet and greet the community?
    Then please put up your hand and join the Community Sub-Committee - just email info@waterways.com.au

  • Community Notice

    Community Event - call for volunteers

    Posted on: 16-07-2019

    The focus for 2019 is building community and what better way to do that than join the new Community Sub-Committee to plan the most amazing and inaugural Waterways festival. We are looking for 4 to 8 enthusiastic, community minded residents.

    • Are you a team person and want to meet some of your neighbours?
    • Do you enjoy organizing fun activities, seeking/chasing sponsorship or coordinating events/people?
    • Want to get your feet wet on the day, man a stall, meet and greet the community?

    Then please put up your hand and join the Community Sub-Committee - just email info@waterways.com.au

  • Community Notice

    Waterways Community Garden interview available for 1 week.

    Posted on: 16-07-2019

    If you missed the live interview you can still hear the interview by accessing the programme via the website: www.southernfm.com.au and then click on the Program Guide & scroll down to Tuesdays at 10am - Best Medicine. There should be soundbar to click on with this week's show. It's available for a week & then automatically replaced with the following week's show etc. If there are any difficulties just refresh the page.

  • Community Notice

    Waterways Community Garden on Southern FM community radio about 10.05am

    Posted on: 15-07-2019

    Tomorrow, Tuesday 16/7, Gaytana (Waterways resident) will be speaking with Louise about the Waterways Community Garden at about 10.05am on her programme Best Medicine on Southern FM community radio.

    Best Medicine Tuesdays 10-11am on 88.3FM; streaming: www.southernfm.com.au
    Also radio on demand - for one week only - accessed via the Program Guide. Scroll to Tuesdays at 10am and there is a soundbar to click on and listen to the program.


  • Community Notice

    2019 AGM reminder

    Posted on: 06-03-2019

    Hi All,
    It is time for the AGM again.

    Date & Time Wednesday 3 April at 6.30 for registration, 7pm for meeting.
    Venue Woodlands Golf Club, 109 White St Mordialloc 3195

    Attached is the AGM documentation including Committee nomination and Proxy forms.

    Hope to see you there.

  • Community Notice

    More Free Stuff - collect by 12 noon

    Posted on: 24-08-2018

    We have found some more things in very good condition that we'd like to give away to any interested locals before we move out of our house today:
    1) Nearly new skiing/snowboarding helmet - size 51-52cm;
    2) 2 pairs of Football boots - US sizes 1 and 3;
    3) 1 pair of boys shin guards;
    4) Hot wheels track and train tracks;
    5) Kids guitar
    6) Lots of books

    We will be around until about 12 noon (on Friday 24th), so drop by if your around. Anything that doesn't go will end up at the salvos. :)

    Our address is 7 Barmah Place.



  • Community Notice

    Free Stuff - can you help?

    Posted on: 22-08-2018

    A local resident is moving house on Friday 24th and has several items free for anyone to come and pick up. These items include:
    1) a large dining table custom built for us - a few marks on it but generally in good condition;
    2) A treadmill - good quality Horizon brand - that I used the other day with some cosmetic damage on the arms, but again in good condition;
    3) A large 6 man tent - vango brand - 1.25 to erect: well worth it for a family of 5 or 6 - has never leaked;
    4) a small credenza - perfect condition;
    5) A small coffee table - a few paint stains - ideal for kids play area;
    6) kids bike - around 7 year old size - slightly rusty chain - but again general in good condition.

    As I said in the title, there's no charge for anything. We were just hoping that someone else - with the space - could get some use out of these items rather than us throwing them in the rubbish.

    Marlene and Mark

    Marlene 0478 002 132 or Mark 0421 102 444

  • Community Notice

    Committee Update

    Posted on: 20-08-2018

    We have been advised by Council that they are carrying out works over the next weeks of the entrance water features. Once the work is completed the entrance water features will be again operational.

  • Community Notice

    Mordialloc Bypass Update

    Posted on: 10-04-2018

    Received VIC Roads Correspondence Email;
    After talking with the local community, many of you made it clear you want a freeway to improve east-west and north-south connections, reduce delays and provide more reliable travel times . And we listened.

    The Victorian Budget 2018/19 will include $75 million to upgrade the Labor Government’s Mordialloc Bypass to a four-lane freeway, removing a further three sets of traffic lights from the current design.

    The $375 million project will cut 10-minutes off a trip between the Mornington Peninsula Freeway and the Dingley Bypass.

    The freeway will connect the Mornington Peninsula Freeway at Springvale Road in Aspendale Gardens to the Dingley Bypass in Dingley Village – creating a continuous freeway from Frankston to Clayton.

    The new freeway will have entry and exit ramp interchanges at Springvale Road, Governor Road, Lower Dandenong Road and Centre Dandenong Road.

    A new interchange will also be built at Thames Promenade, making it easier for drivers to access the new freeway.

    The new freeway will also be safer for cyclists and pedestrians with a shared path to be built along the entire length so they’re separated from traffic.

    The EES process and the assessments currently being undertaken are broad enough to cover the bypass becoming a freeway.

    Works are planned to start in 2019 and expected to be completed by the end of 2021.
    Watch our video to learn more about this exciting project.
    Have a question?

    Email: southeasternupgrades@roads.vic.gov.au
    Call: 1800 630 630

  • Community Notice

    Mordialloc Bypass

    Posted on: 27-03-2018

    Dear Residents,
    The Moridalloc Bypass is a proposed new 9km arterial road linking the end of the Mornington Peninsula Freeway at Springvale Road to the Dingley Bypass.

    For further information, please visit the below link;

  • Community Notice

    Waterways Bird Population

    Posted on: 27-03-2018

    A community minded resident and bird watcher wanted to inform other residents about the vast array of different bird species that inhabit our estate.

    Apparently there are 132 different species of birds in our estate!

    See how many you can find over the Easter break.

  • Community Notice

    Responsible Dog Owners

    Posted on: 21-03-2018

    Dear Residents,

    Just a friendly reminder to dog owners that you must pick up your dog's droppings in public places when you go for a walk with your dog. Please make sure you have a plastic bag or "pooper scooper" with you to pick up any waste your dog leaves behind.

    Dog droppings carry disease and pollute our footpaths and local wetlands. Cleaning up after your dog helps keep our streets clean.

    I have attached the Victorian Law Foundation document regarding Dogs for owners to consider. Please note that local laws inforce rule for no cats alowed in the Waterways.

    Kind Regards,

  • Community Notice

    Waterways Audit Reporting for 2017 & 2018 Proposed Budget

    Posted on: 13-03-2018

    Hi All,
    The Annual General Meeting is approaching on 18th April 2018 at Woodlands Golf Club. Attached is the 2017 Audit of the financial activities for your consideration at the meeting.

    Also attached for your consideration is the proposed Budget for 2018.

    The Notice of Meeting including agenda and reports will be posted shortly.

  • Community Notice

    VCAT proceeding

    Posted on: 08-03-2018

    Please see attached the letter from the Owners Corporation solicitor explaining what happened at the VCAT proceeding on the 7th March and the subsequent orders issued by VCAT.

    Further information will be provided at the AGM (18th April) and included with the posted AGM material.

  • Community Notice

    Snake caught

    Posted on: 05-03-2018

    This metre long copperhead snake was caught in the backyard of 5 Dresden Drive early afternoon today.
    Raymond from Snakecarchers 0412 777211 responded within 30 minutes, had to search neighbours yards but found the snake behind the lemon tree at the opposite end to where his tail had been spotted disappearing into a low bush.

    Opposite parkland in a seemingly snakeproof yard, this is a reminder to be aware, particularly if children are playing outside.

    Thanks to Gordon and Linda Tippett for reporting this.

  • Community Notice

    Snake Season

    Posted on: 05-03-2018

    Dear Residents,

    Please beware that even though we are into the Autumn months, it is still snake season.

    Snakes are common around Melbourne urban fringes and particularly around water and parklands. Should you see or find a snake, please make sure you dont touch it.

    Kind regards,

  • Community Notice

    Mordialloc Bypass Update- Have you Say

    Posted on: 05-03-2018

    Dear Residents,

    Expressions of interest are now open for the Mordialloc Bypass Community Reference Group (CRG).

    The CRG will provide individuals, community groups and businesses the opportunity to get involved in the planning phase of the project.

    Contact VIC Roads to register your interest

    1800 630 630

    VicRoads Mordialloc Bypass Project Director
    8/168 Exhibition Street
    Melbourne VIC 3000

    The CRG members will be announced in late March.

    For more information, please visit the below link:

  • Community Notice

    Application lodged with VCAT by a Waterways resident

    Posted on: 02-03-2018

    Hi All,

    Please see the attached letter.

    The OC Committee does not agree with the assertion that the matter should not have been referred to VCAT and intends to proceed with representation from Berrigan Doube Lawyers. As previously stated, the sole purpose of the VCAT proceeding is to obtain certainty on the issue for all members.

  • Community Notice

    Owners Corporation VCAT Application

    Posted on: 20-02-2018

    Dear All,

    Your Committee has engaged Berrigan Doube Lawyers (BDL) to represent the OC at VCAT in respect of the recently lodged application. BDL are experts in OC law and have assisted the OC with various matters over a number of years. The attached letter from BDL explains the background to the VCAT application, the reasons for the application being lodged in the manner that it has been and what your Committee is seeking to achieve from the VCAT proceeding.

  • Community Notice

    Provision of Services - Committee update

    Posted on: 10-02-2018

    As previously advised, an application has been lodged with the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) requesting the Tribunal’s review of the postal ballot special resolutions sought in respect of services related to the lake fountains, water features and irrigation.

    An initial Directions Hearing has now been scheduled for 7 March. The Committee will appoint external legal counsel to represent the OC at the Directions Hearing and in any subsequent hearings at the Tribunal. The purpose of a Directions Hearing is primarily to establish a proposed timetable for resolving the matter and the process for the conduct of the proceeding. If VCAT decides to continue exploring the merits of the OC’s application it may invite an appearance by any interested members of the community.

    The Committee will keep you informed as the matter progresses.

  • Community Notice

    Finalised Special Resolution Ballot Count 2017

    Posted on: 19-01-2018

    Dear all,

    Please see the attached finalised special resolution ballot count, from all the received ballot papers that were recieved from the end of 2017 ballot.

    We thank everyone who completed the ballot papers and sent them back to our office.
    The committee will discuss and consider the ballot results at their next meeting, that will be held on the Thursday 31 January 2018.
    Should you have any queries, please call our office on 8586 1300 or email info@waterways.com.au

    Kind regards,
    Ace Team